On Thursday evening we kicked off our 2018-2019 season at the Pines lodge.  If you weren’t able to attend, you can join any time at https://www.signmeup.com/BayNordicAdult. 

We’re planning on meeting every Monday and Wednesday evening in January and February at the Reforestation camp ski lodge providing the trails are open.  If you’re a cross country skier, here’s what Bay Nordic has done for you so far:

  • Spearhead the fundraising and volunteer effort to build Lighted Ski Trails
  • Work with the Brown County Parks Department to have the ski lodge unlocked and open to all skiers on our event nights. 
  • sponsor event nights and so you can meet other skiers and enjoy the serenity of night time skiing.

Thanks for your support!  And if you haven’t joined yet, please consider it as a means to keep our sport vibrant and interesting.

Steve Peplinski